

Sarah - thank you so much for all your help and support. The coaching was a fantastic experience which gave me so much it’s hard to put it into words.
I believe that your (gentle!) challenges enabled me to see strengths I did not see before which completely change my goals. I found I benefited from you rephrasing and editing your questions as we progressed this made me feel safe that I did not need an answer straight away and I was able to think things over between sessions. You made me feel totally safe and respected which helped me open up about my insecurities.
Not only did I achieve my goal but I have been able to take so much more from our sessions – coaching has empowered me and increased my self – efficacy.


During my first session you explained about coaching, what it is as well as what is isn’t. You clearly defined your role and the expectations of me if I wanted to accept your coaching. I really felt the choice was mine and particularly liked that we had a first ‘informal’ meeting to see if we were a good fit.
You asked me some great questions – and challenging ones too that hurt my brain! It was really helpful to have in depth conversations about the issues I was raising. It helped me to understand if I was over-reacting and being over sensitive and whether they were worth investing in and working on. You have seemed very mindful of my mood and emotional state.
I only had a few sessions, and I realise that the answers are in me, it has been a very empowering process.


I think I entered into the session quite vague on what I wanted to achieve and you supported me to identify and articulate my difficulties. You were incredible, as soon as I had revealed my diagnosis and what I thought may be helpful I could physically see you adjusting the way you spoke and phrased things to be more supportive to the way I can understand. Coaching has definitely impacted the way I manage my work load and stress going forward.
I only wish you lived closer so I could buy you a drink once this is all over (lockdown) to say thank you, I really enjoyed our conversations and felt completely at ease and accepted despite some of my ‘quirks’.


It took me a while to really pinpoint what it was that was holding me back in both my job and when I thought about it, life generally. However, you were amazingly patient and offered lots of questions and opportunities for me to think it all through. I really liked the questions cards as they seemed to help me over the “hump” of seemingly going round in circles. Once you had helped me realise what I needed to focus on there was no stopping me! The coaching was just what I needed and you were the perfect coach – you always respected my views and I felt valued and safe, even when I became a bit emotional when realising what had been holding me back.


I wasn’t sure what coaching could offer me but my manager had recommended I try it and I am so glad I did! I had been thinking about going for promotion but my lack of confidence was holding me back.
About half way through the first session I was shocked at how you had managed to get me thinking about aspects of my work that I never saw as important and by the end of it I was convinced that your coaching session was the best set of conversations I had ever had. I only needed 3 sessions and I “shifted” from not feeling confident to understanding and seeing all the personal strengths I had that would help me do the new job. I went for and got the promotion and have been able to build on all those things you helped me discover about myself.


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